Around the bar were people and in a sense it looked like a normal bar full of normal nicely dressed people. The ratio of men to women were off though- There were about 20 men, and about 50 women. Most of the men were older- dressed in business attire. The women ranged from 18 to 40, wearing short skirts and revealing necklines.
As C. and Joy approached the bar, C noticed that the women were checking he and Joy out- In thick accents, spoken in broken english- C. heard them speak. The voices were different, but the words were almost the same as they passed each girl. Some of the women were heavy, some were perfect-some were shaking, nervous as they spoke- fighting with the words as they came out of their mouths. Eyes darting back and forth- these were the ones in need of a fix- a chemical high. The older ones, had a sadness in their eyes, subtle and telling as they chanted.
"Wanna fuck?"
"I need your cock."
"Hey, I will eat your lady friend for you- You can watch".
These were prostitutes from Estonia and Russia. Some coming from as far as St. Petersburg. five weeks of selling their bodies in Helsinki could feed a family of four for a year back home. Most were slaves to the Russian Mafia, paying off debts- some were herion addicts, most of them drank too much, smoked too much and wanted to die on the inside.
Joy found a girl, roughly 2o years old- weak and nervous. Small breasted, almost a child in a way. Joy was quick and wasted no time and when Joy saw something that she wanted there was no deliberation. C. knew what was next. Over the music Joy shouted to C.
"Get us a drink- a couple of vodkas on ice! We'll be over here, Pick one you want- then lets get the fuck out of here."
C. did as he was told. His penis was already hardening as he went to the bar. Each of the women making eye contact and asking to see his cock, asking him to fuck them. He was shaking on the inside with anticipation. Sick and twisted- yet strangely alive. When he got to the bar- he stood next to an older woman that looked at him and smiled, then looked back towards the dance floor. She was different, not as overt- smart in that respect- knowing that by playing a bit coy- she would win out over the other more inexperienced hookers.
She leaned over to C. She nodded- "Welcome to this fucking madhouse, my name is Nadya!" She laughed easily. C. liked her right away. Nadya, of course- they were all named Nadya or Natasha or some other bullshit name- but it was her ease of talking that sealed the deal for C.
They got back to the table where Joy was already feeling between the legs of the young hooker. The negotiations were short- $500 for both of them-$350 for the older one, $150 for the younger one- they would catch a cab and go back to C and Joys hotel room.
From there the damage and the sickness would start.